Famed Journalist Peter Arnett FIRED For Daring To Criticize Bush; Says: Bush's War Plan Has Failed
Arnett, currently reporting for MSNBC from Baghdad, could now become a target for the blood and oil thirsty fanatics who support this war.
The first Bush administration was unhappy with Arnett's reporting in 1991 for CNN, suggesting he had become a conveyor of propaganda because he refused to report the official whitehouse spin that was fed to him.
He was denounced for his reporting about an allied bombing of a baby milk factory in Baghdad that the military said was a biological weapons plant. The American military responded vigorously to the suggestion it had targeted a civilian facility, but Arnett stood by his reporting that the plant's sole purpose was to make baby formula.
NBC, in a statement Sunday, praised Arnett's "outstanding" reporting from Iraq and said he was trying nothing more than to give an analytical response to an interviewer's questions.
In the interview, Arnett said his Iraqi friends tell him there is a growing sense of nationalism and resistance to what the United States and Britain are doing.
"Clearly, the American war plans misjudged the determination of the Iraqi forces," Arnett said during the interview broadcast by Iraq's satellite television station and monitored by The Associated Press in Egypt. more
I had fogotten about that baby milk factory incident. Now everytime a rightwing dumbass brings up that never proven alleged "pill factory" incident with Clinton I'lll say "But we know for a fact 'Bush the first' bombed a baby milk factory!"
UPDATE: Arnett FIRED by MSNBC more
This is so sad. Bruised and bleeding, in need of medical care, the Americans stranded in Iraq's western desert approached the mud-brick town and found the hospital destroyed by bombs.
"Why? Why?" a doctor demanded of them. "Why did you Americans bomb our children's hospital?" Scores of Iraqi townspeople crowded around.
The American's account was the first confirmation of a report last week that a hospital in Rutbah was bombed Wednesday, with dead and injured. They said they saw no significant Iraqi military presence near the hospital or elsewhere in Rutbah. The doctor did not discuss casualties, the Americans said. more
According to the Associated Press, a study being released today by the Center for Public Integrity has found that more than half of the top 100 officials in the Clinton administrations have stayed in Washington. The study found that 51 lobby the government or work for companies that do.
"This shows systematically what happens to an administration when they're tossed out on the street," said study director Charles Lewis.
Tossed out on the street? I seem to remember Bill Clinton beating a popular war time president in 1992, winning a landslide re-election in 1996, and having a 68% approval rating the day he left office after his second term. Needless to say if not for the 22nd Amendment, Bill Clinton would still be president. And this dumbass says he was tossed out on the street?
And what, may I ask, is the problem with former members of a president's administration working in Washington? If Charles Lewis has a problem with that, surely he sees a similiar problem with all the republican retreads George W. Bush has working for him - like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, and Poindexter. They all served under Reagan and Bush Sr.
Now, if you want to talk about an administration who was tossed out on to the street, let's talk George H.W. Bush!
To express your feelings to Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity, click here
" ... Reasonable people might wonder if the White House, having failed in its initial attempt to have Henry Kissinger steer the investigation, may be resorting to budgetary starvation as a tactic to hobble any politically fearless inquiry. The committee's mandate includes scrutiny of intelligence failures and eight other government areas.
"The White House vows that in coming budget initiatives there will be no shortchanging of the nation's duty to face the facts of the tragedy. As things now stand, $3 million budgeted as start-up funding could run out this summer. An estimated $14 million is needed for the task of finding out precisely how the attackers were able to pull off their plot in which nearly 3,000 people died. This seems a bargain given the importance of the mission. By comparison, the inquiry into the shuttle disaster's loss of seven lives may cost an estimated $40 million, and the inquiry into the Whitewater controversy ate up more than $30 million. ..." more
BuzzFlash pointed out recently that the Republican controlled congress spent over $62 million investigating Bill Clinton's genitalia but will only allocate $3 million to investigate the failures leading to 9/11! It's true. Yes it is. The reTHUGlicans are puritanical morons. But a least they spend money on things they feel matter the most - like investigating a blow job instead of the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil!
No one expected Hitler to rise to power. He had failed at just about everything he had ever undertaken until he discovered politics. In the world of spin and power plays, a superficial gift of gab and bullish determination could replace intelligence and idealism without missing a beat. Hitler found that the path to the top was short: Just tell a discontent people what they want to hear and make promises you have no intention to keep.
In Hitler's first radio speech after becoming Chancellor on January 30, 1933, he pledged [this is a direct quote from that address] "to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation" and invoked God's blessing on the German government. (Hitler was a fervent Christian - a fact too many have either forgotten or never knew, thanks to sanitized
school history books). But, the Fuhrer soon proved he had no intention of being a uniter. The Nazis' battle cry throughout their campaign had been "down with the liberals!" Once in office, Hitler made "liberals" (a mass group into which he lumped social democrats, gays, Jews, and any threat to Hitler's model of Christian society) his sworn enemies. more
"Those of us who care for the direction of the American dream have one job now to do, and that is to begin working toward that election day in November of next year." - Doris Haddock, better known as Granny D., a 92-year-old grandmother who walked across America on behalf of campaign finance reform.
Read her article here
I am a supporter of your site, and tell as many people as I can about it. I'm grateful for the information you provide, BUT, I must say that I can't bear the awful photographs of dead people, ESPECIALLY children. I DON'T want this war sanitized for my protection, believe me, but you are preaching to the choir with these potographs. My assumption is that you want the world to feel the impact of this tragic travesty, and I would agree with that. But I find myself scrolling gingerly, afraid of seeing the horror I already know is happening to the innocent. But the fact that these are the innocent makes the images horrific beyond words. I don't mean to censor. I would just ask you to believe that your audience is already horrified without the sensational images. Thank you for your time, and for the work you do. -- Karen
Karen - I understand your concerns. The pictures disturb me as well. But I don't feel I'm just preaching to the choir. No, I don't think I'm going to change the minds of many conservatives who are mostly concerned with keeping the current Washington regime in power. However, there are "fence sitters" stopping by this site who need an extra push to show them how vile this adminstration's actions are. I believe the pictures speak a thousand words towards bringing more on to our side. As you know, many Americans have the image in their minds that little Iraqi children are running gleefully towards the Americans, welcoming them in. We know that is not the case.
Thanks for your support, Karen. I hope my continued posting of pictures neither of us like to see doesn't deter you from visiting and sending others here, too.
"The President...knows not where he is. He is a bewildered, confounded, and miserably perplexed man. God grant he may be able to show there is not something about his conscience more painful than all his mental perplexity."
The quotation above comes from a speech a young Congressman made on the floor of the US House of Representatives. He was speaking about an ongoing war that was "unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the President of the United States."
His political rivals and the constituants that followed them howled in protest. Traitor! Un-American!
However, that Congressman was eventually elected president.
The war was our war with Mexico and that young congressman who spoke out against the president and his war was Abraham Lincoln.
"The Constitution was born in the bowels of war," says attorny Tim Newcomb. "The framers could have made a wartime exception if they had intended, but the founding generation made no such exception. Therefore, they obviously wanted and believed in spirited debate."
"I think Thomas Jefferson would have said, hang on to your civil liberties, fight off any force that would try to oppress you, that would try to silence you, that would consider dissent disloyalty. I think he would be very aware of the need that we have to have to continue to support people's rights to be different and to express and hold different convictions." - Joyce Appleby, Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles; Author, Inheriting the Revolution.
"While some people think that dissent is unpatriotic, I would argue that dissent is the highest form of patriotism. In fact, if patriotism means being true to the principles for which your country is supposed to stand, then certainly the right to dissent is one of those principles. And if we're exercising that right to dissent, it's a patriotic act.
One of the great mistakes made in discussing patriotism -- a very common mistake -- is to think that patriotism means support for your government. And that view of patriotism ignores the founding principles of the country expressed in the Declaration of Independence. That is: the Declaration of Independence makes it clear that governments are artificial creations set up to achieve certain ends -- equality, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness -- and when governments become destructive of those ends it is the right of the people in the words of the Declaration, to alter or abolish the government.
In other words, obedience to government certainly is not a form of patriotism. Governments are the instruments to achieve certain ends. And if the government goes against those ends, if the government is not defending our liberties, but is diminishing our liberties, if the government is sending young people into war or making war which is unjustified, well then the government is not following the principles of caring about life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. When the government is taking huge sums of money from education and health, and using that money for military purposes, that's a violation of the principles of the Declaration of Independence. And a government like that cannot be obeyed. To obey a government like that is not being patriotic. At that point, when a government behaves like that, it is the most patriotic thing to disobey the government." - Howard Zinn is an historian and author of A People's History of the United States.